If you wish to purchase this product please call: +44 (0) 1484 600090
While it has always been possible to check longitudinal grinding within a defined movement area quickly and easily using a simple straight edge test, the same has not been true of transverse grinding. This has required a Face Consultants surveyor and Digital Profileograph in attendance… until now.
The new Transbar XR (eXtended Range) Meter is an invaluable tool to those who wish to save on the cost of grinding Transverse errors in VNA aisles.
Quick and easy to use, the Transverse XR Meter allows the grinding technician to check their work quickly, easily, and accurately, therefore, minimising cost, maximising efficiency, and taking the guesswork out of grinding.
The new Transbar XR has faster settling of readings on moving location for improved productivity, an extended measuring range of ±25mm and adjustable axles (up to 2m) to allow for the wheels to be extended to match the forklift wheel track, plus other invaluable benefits.